Kaehler et al. (2005)

General information

Data describing the pollinators of a bromeliad community in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. The study was carried out at the “Pico do Marumbi” State Park on eight bromeliad species. Through plant focal observation, twelve species of pollinators were registered: eight hummingbirds, three bats and one bee.

Data type

The authors recorded the identities of Bromeliaceae species, their pollinators and their interactions. Data are presented as a binary interaction matrix, in which cells in which cells with a "1" indicate an interaction between a pair of species, and a "0" indicates no interaction.


Kaehler M., Varassin I.G. & Goldenberg R. (2005) Polinização em uma comunidade de bromélias em Floresta Atlântica Alto-montana no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 28: 219-228.

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